For a while now, I have pondered over the importance of what I will call The Migingo Saga.
Why is Migingo happening now? At the initial stages of the saga, analysts thought it was a ploy by Museveni to rally Ugandans together againist the "big bad rich neighbour". On close scrutiny, one realises that Kenyan leaders are the ones that needed to divert the nation's attention from pressing problems of famine and drought, corruption, mis-rule and general lack of leadership.
Everytime I try to place the importance and relevance of the island saga, I get drawn closer and closer to the conslusion that its mere state propaganda aimed at keeping Kenyans emotionally charged and directing all of our national stocks of venom towards our neighbours to the west. Uganda also seems to be in the know and must have been requested to "play along", how else would you explain all the drama and theatrics they are involved in- sending their brigadiers to the island and Government Spokeperson to Nairobi, Kibaki meeting with Museveni in Lusaka, etc. The only unscripted part is the one of Kenya looking like a sissy simply because someone forgot to let Kianga and Wetangula in on the secret. So we end up with State officials seeking a diplomatic solution, while Ugandans and common Kenyans are spoiling for a military fight!
This tatics have been used in the past and at different intervals we have had to deal with "manufactured crisis" like guerrillas here and there, sedition, coup plot, cabinet reshuffles, a cure for AIDS, pyramid schemes, etc which are meant to keep the citizens on tenterhooks for months on end and their gaze away from the real problems.