The country is slowly getting back to normalcy. You can almost feel the celebratory mood in the air when you are around social places. Everyone seems to be making extra effort to prove their Kenyan-ness and if in cosmopolitan company, there are some who are going the extra mile to prove this by dangling their mixed heritage or non-ethnic credentials.
The winner in this struggle by old dogs learning new tricks was a wisecrack from a lady colleague after the CEO requested for opening prayers during a formal meeting in the office. She quipped, "should'nt we be starting our meetings with a hearty national anthem instead of prayers?".
She got me thinking. Why not, especially after the fiasco that our religious leaders created by taking sides when they were supposed to keep off the murk that politics can be. At least the anthem would be neutral, secular and apolitical.
Come to think of it, why not?