Seems like time just flies right past us. I must admit that a statement I heard on radio today kind of woke me up- that we are just a month away from Christmas. Did we not just start this year the other day? Is it time to bid the year adios? So soon?
Anyways, it has been a rather hectic year for me both at a personal level as well as at the career level. As always there were numerous ups and downs too, but as always I believe what distinguishes one set from the other is attitude. I am always grateful when things are working out and when they are not, I make a point to learn at least one lesson from each unfortunate or unsuccessful episode that I encounter. It has not been different this year.
At another front, we are now bang in the centre of the silly political season when the whole country seems to lose her marbles. By the way, I have tried to stay away from making any political statements or commentaries in this forum or anywhere else apart from a very small circle of close friends who know me and where I am coming from. That circle is less than five people and even then, we hardly ever seem to agree or share any position. The reason is that my political views are radical and anti the Kenyan script where we are all supposed to take tribal, regional or religious sides.
Anyways, I will not change my position on desisting from sharing political statements just like I learnt that you should not discuss with strangers any of the following no go topics- sex, family, politics, religion and money! Really? So what else is left to discuss, especially for Kenyans. The weather? I think if you take away politics and EPL from the diet of daily small talk you will end up with a rather boring bunch of Kenyans.
I think the year 2012 has also been a rather tragic one for me because my mortality has been reaffirmed by the deaths of people close to me. I lost three close friends and at least another four or five acquaintances within the year. November has especially been bad because people of my age were seperated from the world of living and it just seemed so unfair. Why should people who seemed to have everything to live for just depart from our midst so fast and so unexpectedly. Nobody seems to fully explain the phenomena of life and death, but the lessons I take is that we need to live for the day.
Reminds me of an advert I saw the other day from a website for chain of hotels called Viceroy. It is simple but loaded. " Remember to Live" - life is hectic and may just get you lost in it that you may forget to live. How many times do we get so immersed in a work project, in office politics, in religion, in family affairs, in our neighbors, friends, that we forget to live our own lives . I know many people who devote so much of their time in the lives of their children,parents, siblings or friends that they seem content to put their own lives on pause. Their own needs can wait. Seems to me that we must be selfish if we want to lead well balanced, purposeful and meaningful lives.
Anyway, seeing that I have not been able to post anything in more than a month, I am glad that I have let off my rumblings about time, politics and living life. See you some time soon and remember to register as a voter soon so that you can exercise your democratic right to choose your rulers.
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